Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Miracle Of Paint

Paint is the easiest and least expensive way to transform any room. Color is everything! It can make a room feel inviting, warm or rich. It can calm the spirit, ease the mind and create a feeling of tranquility. It can energize, awaken and lift.

A number of years ago, I did an apprenticeship for an Interior Decorator and learned a great many things from this gifted artist. One of the things learned is that, at least at that time, there were actually only 3 paint manufacturers who supplied the exact same product behind varying labels and prices. My experience with paint, over the past 15 years, is that most inexpensive paint lasts about the same as your most expensive brands. They are all made of pretty decent quality. The truth is...most people change the color of their walls/decor long before a paint warranty has expired. So go ahead and do what works within your budget and personal preference. There are so many home improvement stores throughout the U.S. that offer free classes on products and technique. Don't be afraid to experiment!...The worst that can happen is that you'll hate a color and begin anew.

Here are just a few things to consider...
1. Oil base - Lasts longer and tool/supply cleanup is more difficult and requires a cleaning solvent. Acrylic (Water Base) - Lasts well and is a soap & water cleanup...No other cleaning solvents are necessary.
2. Varying Paint Sheens - Flat is simply that...a matte color, difficult to wash walls and more recommended if you have an adult friendly ONLY kind of home. Semi-Gloss has a somewhat glossy sheen to the color, is easy to wash walls clean when something gets on it or a child gets to it with crayons. I highly recommend this sheen if kids are in the home or for bathroom usage, where humidity is higher. I love a Gloss sheen for Interior/Exterior doors, interior trim and bathroom ceilings. Why? Easy to wipe clean and maintain a nice new appearance for years to come. For bathroom ceilings, I prefer to prep them with a good scrub down of half & halft vinegar/water mixture to remove any mildew or mold spore bacteria. Then I will prime with a sealant that protects against mold/mildew made specifically for bathroom ceilings. Lastly, I paint with a semi-gloss or gloss sheen.
3. A paint job is as good as its prep job! Make the time to be thorough and tape off. It is worth the added grunt work and can really make the difference between "Perfection" and "Sloppy."

Happy Painting!!!

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