Take a journey with me on transforming a "House" into a "Home." See how it can be done with Money, Bartering or on a Shoestring Budget. They key is to do it and do it with Common Sense, A Little Hard Work, Pride and Love!
"Life's A Voyage That's Homeward Bound." - Herman Melville 1819-1891
Life's voyage is about experience that can teach and instill true wisdom through personal growth. Along that personal journey, "Home" is a refuge from all the world...from it's ugliness, war, moral digression, a selfish mentality of "Anything Goes."It is an edifice that protects and allows for nurturing and love to flourish within a Family. "Home" should be far more than just a house of brick and mortar. For when life's mortal journey is complete, aren't we all striving to return back to God's presence...back to our "Heavenly Home?"