After 9 days of total mess - furniture displacement and layers of dust, we replaced our Entry Hall tile, Living Room, Hallway and Dining Room carpet for Hardwood Floors. Hurray!!! When the project began, we moved all the furniture out and started in the NIGHTMARE!...The tile lay on 3 - 4 inches of concrete and was such a pain to break up and remove, not to mention all the dust, dust, DUST!!! The carpet was very easy to rip up, along with the padding, tack strips and all the staples. Next came the base boards and a good sweep of all the rooms. Last, was building up and replacing the Entry sub flooring so that it was level with the other rooms.
We could have, as it would have been more economical, but in the end we paid to have the Hardwood Flooring installed. It took 1 1/2 days and it is positively BEAUTIFUL!!! HONESTLY, I'D DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!! I LOVE IT 200%! Thank you to my wonderful husband for his hard work and patience with me! And many thanks to our wonderful kids who pitched in when they could! I'll give my husband some time to regroup...but as for me, this project was so worth it.
Our "To Do" list has a few items checked off now...1. Furnace Replacement - 3 installed. 2. Air Conditioning Units - 2 installed. 3. Carpeting 3 upstairs Bedrooms, Hallway, Staircase, 2 main floor Offices and main floor Family Room. 4. Hardwood Flooring installed on main floor Entry, Living Room, Hallway and Formal Dining Room. We're making progress! :)